

Literally means “going up” – in the case of a Shabbat morning service, it refers to “going up” (physically and spiritually!) for the honor of blessing the Torah.  (Plural: aliyot)


The cabinet situated in the center of the east wall of the synagogue in which the scrolls of the Torah are kept.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah:

Son/daughter of the commandment, typically for students who use “he/she” pronouns, respectively.

B’nai/B’not Mitzvah:

Children of the commandment, typically for many students as a group or some students who use “they/them” pronouns

Bet Mitzvah:

child of the commandment (see “meaning section” for additional information, including details on newer non-binary Hebrew)


Pulpit, the raised platform in front of the sanctuary.

D’var Torah:

English interpretation of Torah portion and its relevance in our lives.


The weekly portion from the Prophets that is read after the reading of the Torah.


Literally, “sanctification.” Blessing over the wine/grape juice.

Matan Parashah:

A ceremony in which we give siddurim/prayer books and Torah portions during a Shabbat service for our upcoming B’nai Mitzvah students


Commandment; a religious and moral obligation to be responsible to Jewish observance, teachings, and practices.  (Plural: mitzvot)

Oneg Shabbat:

Literally, “Joy of the Sabbath.”  A special celebration held following services, including refreshments.


Joyous event.


The five books of Moses; the scroll from which the Torah reading is conducted.


Righteousness, helping, and giving – in various forms including time or money.